We interviewed both of our parents and asked them to be honest about their first reactions when we told them about the trip in October 2011. Read below through all of the different emotions that your family and friends will think and feel when you tell them about your own RTW!

What was your first reaction after you heard the news?
M: I got tears in my eyes because I thought they were telling me they were having a baby. As soon as I recovered and realized that wasn’t the news, I was really happy for them. I had a lot of questions of course, because I was interested and fascinated, since they will be the only two people I personally know who have done this.
J: I was in awe. It is something you don’t expect to hear. I was warned it was not a baby so I really didn’t know what to expect. I thought it was fantastic you can do it at such a young age.
C: Really thought you weren’t serious and I was being set up for some other news
D: I was shocked. It took my breath away. I felt like I wanted to cry.
What was your reaction the next day after a good nights sleep?
M: Pretty much the same except for the crying part, haha. I was happy for them, especially since I know how much they love to travel and that it would be something I would love to do, so I can watch them do it and see it through their eyes.
J: You just signed a 2 yr lease and now you are leaving for 9 months. How do you make that work? That was the Dad in me. I still thought it was a great idea and the right time to do it.
C: A good night’s sleep didn’t come for a few days, but it brought a mixture of questions, excitement and fear all at once. I wondered why now, why those places and… why not go if you want to…. all at once
D: I was a little calmer but I still felt sad and worried.
Are you excited for them? (Don’t Lie) If so, what are you most excited about?
M: Oh my goodness, yes. I think I already stated that. Nothing but excited. I think I’m most excited about the experiences they will have, the people they will meet, and all the amazing sights. As I said, they are the only people I know who will have had this experience, so I think we can’t even imagine the wonders that are in store for them.
J: Yes I am excited for them. I think of the Tim Ferris book, 4 hour work week and he says to immerse yourself in a culture when you travel. That way you really learn and experience the people, not just going a staying in an expensive hotel. You are doing it the right way.
C: Excitement is a healthy balance of fear and anticipation at the same time. I have excitement both for immediate plans and long term plans. The trip is to places that are going to be very unfamiliar and every day will bring challenges I personally don’t care to have but many people love them ( amazing race show is really popular). Longer term, opening a new business is stressful and doing two at the same time doubles the effort. However, the preparation is already going on a year in advance so the odds are better for success and a plan B or Plan C can always be invoked
D: I’m excited for them because they want to travel and see the world and its people and customs; but, I would prefer they didn’t go for such a long time period.
What are your concerns about the trip?
M: Honestly, I’ve tried to live my life by Philippians 4:6 – “Do not worry about anything…” I know that they will have planned the trip well and taken every precaution, and that they will have lots of people praying for them. I think life would be very dull if we sat at home not doing anything or going anywhere because we were afraid to take chances at the risk of something happening. That is not living. I’ve been raising kids for 26 years and am just now getting the opportunity to travel and am going to jump at every chance to go anywhere I can. Life is short and we need to live it to the fullest! God loves a happy heart, I think travelling makes J and C happy. 🙂
J: Worry came much later. You are planners. Josh is extremely thorough and doesn’t leave anything to chance so the logistics I know will work out. There is worry because I am a parent and you never know what will happen in the world but you can’t let that stop you from enjoying the trip. The only real worry is health and those dang ferry boat accidents.
C: The trip will be through many places where U.S. rules of life do not apply so risks lurk everywhere…as do discoveries as to why life can vary so much from place to place and still be rich and fulfilling.
D: I’m concerned for their safety and their health. I worry about where they will live and if it will be clean and safe. I worry about whether the people they meet will be friendly and helpful. I worry about jobs for them when they come home.
What do you want them to bring back for you?
M: Photos of exotic places that I’ll never see, so I can experience them through their eyes.
J: Stories we can sit around the family room and listen to for years to come.
C: Themselves in one piece by Thanksgiving 2012!
D: I want them to just bring themselves home refreshed about their lives and their futures.
What are your friends saying when you tell them about your kid’s crazy ideas?
M: First of all, I don’t think it’s crazy. I haven’t told anyone, it’s still a secret.
J: They cannot believe we have kids that have everything together so they can quit their jobs and travel the world.
C: Most everyone I have talked to has been to one or more places you are going to so I seem to be the person who doesn’t have the well-travelled life.
D: Some friends thought it was a little crazy to quit jobs in this economic environment. Some said it’s best that they travel around the world now before they have children. Some felt the countries they were going to weren’t safe to travel in.
Will you visit them?
M: Yes, I would like to go to Thailand if finances permit.
J: Yes, the planning and saving has started.
C: Thought of visiting is making its way through stages. Intellectually the idea is good since I have never travelled out of the country. the passport application is complete but no photo yet. then the big stage ….agreeing to a meet date and getting reservations along with other plans to visit other places too on the trip.
D: We hope to visit them in Spain.
How can your kids afford this…are you funding the trip?
M: I’m sure they have figured that all out, And no, we are not funding their trip. Still have two dependent kids at home!
J: My kids have always been planners and I know they wouldn’t embark on this if they couldn’t afford it. Especially since I ain’t paying for it!
C: They are paying for it themselves with saved money and valuable time which they see both as best spent doing the adventure
D: No, we are not helping toward the cost of the trip. They have saved and sacrificed for this dream themselves.
Any other thoughts on the RTW trip?
M: They are blessed beyond imagination to have this opportunity, and I know they will have God’s loving arms around them the whole way. How wonderful to travel the world with the one you love – I can’t think of anything more amazing – truly a dream come true!
J: I think it is an incredible experience that they can do now when they are young that will stay with them for the rest of their lives.
C: Their lifetime together is going to be a long one. The next phase of their life will involve more time and personal/career commitments than they have had so far. Although I didn’t think about before they announced the trip, this is likely the best time to go. Since I have not traveled much, their location choices would not have been my choices. I just wish they were going to Australia…that is a place I would meet them!!
D: I will be praying for you both everyday. I hope God will show you what He wants you to see and learn about people and yourselves on this trip. We love you so much!
I love this! So nice of you to include the parents on the blog. It really is a big step when you decide to do something crazy-the reaction of the parents! Ha! Good post!