So, we’ve been keeping a secret for the last 5 months and it’s about time we start sharing our great news! We are soon becoming Traveling 9 to 5 + Baby!
We realize this might be a shock for a lot of you , so we will give you a minute to let it sink in…
Enough time? Good! Because we have A LOT to catch up on!
A few questions that might be going through your head.
What’s going to happen to the blog?
What’s your travel schedule for the next year?
Was this planned? (I’m not sure why this is everyone’s first question – maybe because our lifestyle and travel choices – but I’ll cut to the chase YES this was very much planned!)
We will get to all your questions and hopefully give you a little insight in the next few months/year on the transition from traveling as a couple to traveling as a family!
Living in Chicago before changing our lifestyle and traveling as we do, I thought you had to choose. The American Dream (House, baby, ladder-climbing job, etc.), or a life of excitement and adventure.
2.5 years later we have met so many families that travel to all different degrees. They’ve inspired and convinced me that it is possible to have both and re-write ‘The American Dream’ to fit your family and what you want out of life. Josh and I are determined to make that happen, stick around on the blog and you can travel along!
What’s going to happen to the blog?
Hopefully we’ve made it clear our goal from the beginning of our big RTW trip in 2012 was to create a geographically independent lifestyle. We want the freedom to travel, in addition to work for ourselves and control our schedule from wherever we choose to be. It has never been to be forever travelers. We love our community of friends and family at home and we also love to travel, so our goal is to find the perfect balance between the two for us.
Was this planned?
As I mentioned above – YES!
Sidetrack on Traveling and Sex:
Traveling isn’t always as glamorous as it may seem. Your dirty, sweaty, tired and after a long day of travel, sex (yup I used the S word) isn’t always on the top of your mind. I know most of you think a year long trip = vacation = daily sex. Not exactly. Our friends at Landing Standing laid out the reality perfectly on their blog in their Sexytime on the Road post.
So where am I going with this? Yes, Baby E was very much planned and… use protection if you are a traveler who isn’t ready for a baby ๐
What’s going to happen to your travel schedule?
It’s changing and adjusting early on, but we are still excited to keep planning trips and sharing on the blog. We are currently in the Bahamas at the beautiful Grand Lucayan for the week, before shutting down our computers and jumping on a cruise around the Caribbean.
The first 3 months after baby is born we will probably do a little bit of nesting, but we are already planning for baby’s first trip at 3 months… I have a feeling Baby E will love the beach as much as we do!
No worries, we will keep you entertained and informed with our past travels and share the juicy stories we’ve been holding back on.
We are already planning travel goals with baby: to be in Thailand before they are 2 and to visit all 50 states before they graduate high school, etc.
Do you set travel goals for your children?
Having kids doesn’t make you boring or completely dull your sense of adventure. You will travel differently and things may take longer, be less flexible…and no full moon party – but isn’t that what travel is all about – adjusting, adopting and accepting.
Hopefully you all will stick around for our next big adventure and where we are heading. For all of you parents who have emailed me and said I would love to do what you are doing, but I have kids – we are determined to prove that excuse wrong, so stick with us!
congratulations!!!!!!! super cool news and i cant wait to follow along your craziest journey yet ๐
Congratulations!! Hope your travel adventures may continue with a little one in tow!
Congrats! Travel with baby/children/teen isn’t always easy, but it’s rewarding. And it’s just a different challenge than traveling with a partner. My wife and I have had our challenges through the years when on the road. And having our son with us has thrown in other twists. But I wouldn’t change any of it. We’ve happily pulled him out of school here and there to travel. We believe the education he gets seeing other cultures and places is invaluable. To me there is no such thing as the perfect American dream life. You set out to live the way you want. As long as you’re pursing your dreams it’s a happy life.
Congrats! I’m so excited for you both, and to see how your traveling evolves with baby ๐ enjoy your babymoon!
Congratulations to the pair of you.
Thanks! We are looking forward to the new adventure of family travel!
Congrats! What a news. ๐ I’m curious to see how having a baby changes the way you travel. It’s gonna be an interesting journey. All the best, guys! ๐
Good post. One of our goals once we found out we were having a baby was to beat the world record for the youngest kid to go to all 7 continents. Then we found out that someone beat us to it about 2 years ago (9 months old or something like that). Even so, I think it’d be a pretty good conversation starter in our kid’s future to say “I’ve been to all 7 continents before I turned two.”
Congratulations, of course! And I’m sending you all my good vibes for a smooth transition into travelling with baby! Hugs x
Love it! You guys never cease to surprise and inspire us ๐
Awesome! Congratulations! I love that you’re planning to have your child visit all 50 states before graduating from high school. Traveling can be an excellent education in itself.